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Home / Jewelry / Ancient Dreams Necklace - Nan Marshall

Ancient Dreams Necklace - Nan Marshall

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Roman Glass, Equus Fossil, Brooch, Cone & Sterling Silver, 9" (Chain), 9" (Pendant)



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Combining ancient Roman glass, an Equus tooth fossil, a vintage brooch, and a brilliant blue ceramic cone, all set in Sterling Silver, Nan Marshall's striking Ancient Dreams necklace is as striking as it is stylish.

Image Description: A long multi-part pendant necklace lays against a black background. The necklace's silver chain curves around the large pendant, which is made of a series of large components. From top to bottom the pendant is comprised of a light yellow oval-shaped piece of glass. a striated rectangular brown fossil, an oval-shaped black metal brooch with a concentric hole through the middle, and a turquois colored cone.