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Home / Jewelry / Porcupine lavender earrings

Porcupine lavender earrings

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Glass Bead and Porcupine Quill Earrings, 2.5" long



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These beautiful beaded earrings are made from glass beads and real porcupine quills. Among the glass beads, there is also a stripe of gold beads!

Image Description: A pair of beaded and fringed earrings hang from their hook backs on a black display card. The beaded top portion of the earrings are an upside-down pentagon shape, with curving stripes of different colored beads running through it. These beads are plum, mustard. lavender, purple, black and gold. From the pointed bottom of the pentagon, seventeen porcupine quills make up a contrasting fringe. They are capped at the very tip by three purple beads.