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Home / Jewelry / Small Diamond Beaded Earrings - Meg Veitenheimer

Small Diamond Beaded Earrings - Meg Veitenheimer

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Glass Beaded Earrings, 1.5" long



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These small wonders are available in darling pink and mustard, vibrant pink and yellow, and cool lavender and teal. Indicate your preferred color way in the "Order Notes" Section at checkout.

Image Description: A series of three photographs featuring small diamond shaped beaded earrings on a black earring display card. These earrings have hooked backs. Each set has two colors of beads that make up a triangular half of each diamond, one on top and one on bottom. These triangles have a flower shape in contrasting colors at the center. The colors are flipped on each earring, so that the two earrings in the set are not identical.